
INFINITY is a maritime bandwidth management & optimization solution that allows users to share voice and data traffic in an efficient and measurable way.

By doing so, users can subscribe to higher bandwidth packages and therefore enjoy lower rates per unit while having the ability to allocate costs and charge users (business, crew or third party) of the service accordingly.

In addition, Infinity provides a variety of value‐added‐services such as internet café type access for voice and data, VoIP calling, firewalling, compression, content management, vessel positioning, e‐mail for crew or business purposes and many other services as described in this document.

Infinity software is continuously developed and updated on a quarterly basis. Infinity is designed in such a way that it continuously updates all installed units to incorporate new features as asked for by existing and prospective users. Therefore, all users benefit from every update and may find useful tools that were suggested by their peers in the shipping industry.

Benefits for the office

  • Lower monthly costs for business satcoms
  • Low cost office to vessel telephony
  • Centralized management of all vessels communication networks
  • Fleetwide firewall rules
  • Integrate vessel's and shore office systems
  • Offer more crew welfare options
  • Security and control of crew communications
  • Increase the efficiency of the vessel's communication
  • Easy accounting for crew communications
  • Flexible reporting and alerts
  • Automatic upgrades of all existing units
  • Remote support and maintenance

Benefits for the crew

  • Internet access with compression and caching
  • Light surfing on demand reducing which further reduces crew internet cost
  • Web access acceleration
  • Low cost VoIP and voice communication
  • Crew e-mail with attachments
  • Crew Internet café with the use of PINs


  • Crew Calling Service through the use of PINS or with registered users, or both.
  • Crew Internet Café service with the use of PINS or with registered users, or both.
  • Web surfing with compression, advertisement removal and caching proxy onboard
  • Fully managed Firewall service including “Fleet‐wide Rules" capability
  • E‐mail service with compression (body & attachments) for Business or Crew use
  • Automatic File synchronization Service with compression
  • Failover and Load Balancing
  • Ship‐to‐shipping company free of charge VoIP service
  • Web Services (SOAP and XML)

Supplementary Features

  • Light or Normal Surfing on Demand
  • Web Accelerator
  • Access Control Lists
  • File Type filtering for e‐mail and web, including Smart e‐mail filtering
  • Advanced Content Filtering including Antivirus
  • “What‐you‐see‐is‐what‐you‐can‐query/download/execute" with automatic notification capability.
  • Virtual LANs
  • Vessel live position, speed and heading calculation as well as status reporting
  • Traffic measuring and reporting
  • VPN Connectivity Upon request
  • Remote monitoring of critical functions
  • Security and Audit trail
  • Kill All – Kill any

Some of the main advantages of Infinity over similar solutions are:

  • Infinity is a database‐driven system that provides data consistency and accuracy and is also easily expandable.
  • It is a very reliable system using RAID‐1 (this applies both to Infinity and Infinity Plus); in case of hard disk failure, the system continues to work seamlessly.
  • Through a web‐accessed interface, Infinity provides vessels' with centralized and automated remote management capability. All changes are applied on‐shore and vessel settings are updated on the fly automatically.
  • Infinity combines Data and Voice services thereby enabling users to consume both as part of larger packages. By doing this, lower rates (for both Voice and Data) are achieved. For post May 2012 FB plan users which do not have the benefit of using both Voice and Data from their “money bundles", INFINITY offers VoIP services. VoIP services are available to all pre‐May 2012 users as well.
  • Infinity provides fail‐over and load balancing capability, compatible with all networks and providers.
  • Infinity offers full VoIP service with quality comparable to the dedicated voice channel, enabling up to 9 concurrent calls.
  • “What‐you‐see‐is‐what‐you‐can‐query" and “What‐you‐see‐is‐what‐you‐can‐download" concepts that allow downloading and easy management of critical information. Query output can be automatically executed at predefined intervals and results can be sent to e‐mail accounts (including full audit trail).
  • Infinity provides the fastest e‐mail on board that uses no queues (a short e‐mail needs only 10 sec to arrive onboard/on shore from ship).
  • There is a “Web Services" capability for full integration of office ERP systems with those onboard, used to invoke internal Infinity functions from foreign applications.
  • Infinity uses the most sophisticated and flexible firewall in the industry.
  • Virtualization onboard: With Infinity Plus, any kind of virtual machine can be installed on Infinity Plus to save resources onboard.
  • Infinity offers cloud‐technology for the shore‐based infrastructure ensuring reliability, efficiency and scalability.
  • Infinity is a live and ever‐evolving product with a dedicated team that not only continuously issues new versions (with new functionality) at pre‐defined time intervals, (that are available and free to all customers) but also undertakes customized solutions for specific customers at no extra charge.