Global Xpress


Global Xpress is a Ka Band service that will offer downlink speeds of up to 50Mbps, and up to 5Mbps over the uplink, from compact user terminals (VSAT).

Global Xpress for Maritime

Since 1979, Inmarsat provides global mobile satellite communications to customers across the maritime sector. Over this period it has developed a reputation for keeping vessels in touch with shore and each other through reliable, highly available voice and data communications.

Global Xpress will revolutionise broadband services in the maritime world – while maintaining the outstanding quality, global coverage and seamless mobility customers have come to expect from Inmarsat. Global Xpress will complement the existing suite of maritime services, giving customers the flexibility and choice of services to fit their needs and requirements. With excellent engineering and quality, and backed by the L-band resilience of FleetBroadband, the Global Xpress solution will exceed the levels of service offered by existing broadband VSAT services. Global Xpress will offer significantly better throughput, at prices comparable with today's slower VSAT services. Global Xpress will be available globally through smaller antennas than today's standard VSAT Ku maritime antennas. This will enable many more ships to take advantage of the superior speeds and service. As the need for better crew benefits grows, Global Xpress will be ideal to provide a high-quality user experience for browsing, voice and media services. In addition, integrating the ship into the corporate office as a part of the enterprise will become reality, and not just a sales pitch. The advent of modern electronics means ships' systems can be monitored in real time – and Global Xpress will be best placed to meet customer requirements in terms of throughput and cost.

Global Xpress is the broadband of the future for maritime customers, offering speed, quality and service at a level beyond what is available today.

Electronav and global express!?

Within Electronav we have the knowledge to implement GX services in your fleet. Our partner Intellian was chosen by Inmarsat as an official GX partner to ensure a smooth, easy transition for vessel operators from legacy services to this next generation capability. From the easily upgradable v100GX to the compact GX60, Intellian's full line of GX-ready products features a simple, intuitive, graphically-based antenna remote control software, which includes features such as remote management and control from anywhere in the world, and one touch commissioning. Intellian's GX-capable products make satellite communications easy. And of course we also supply Inmarsat's airtime with highly competative prices!